About the Golf Outing
All proceeds from the Scholarship Golf Classic fund the Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation. Each year, the Chamber Foundation awards four $2,500 scholarships to graduating area High School seniors that have displayed positive character, leadership skills, academic excellence, community involvement, and future aspirations. Among other qualifications, applicants all have a connection to the Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce either through an employer or a parent/guardian’s employer. The scholarship recipients are formally recognized at the Chamber Annual Meeting.

The Details
Monday, August 26, 2024
Registration 11:00am
Shotgun Start 11:45am
Reception 5:00pm
Kenosha Country Club
500 13th Avenue, Kenosha
Please register by Friday, August 16th.
Earlybird Pricing (by June 30)
Individual — $200
Foursome — $800
Dinner Only — $50
Regular Pricing (after June 30)
Individual — $230
Foursome — $900
Dinner Only — $50
All registrations include...
- 18 holes of golf
- golf cart
- lunch
- the reception
- golf awards
- hole-in-one contests
- putting contest
The Fine Print
Registration is secured upon receipt of payment. Sorry, no refunds. Substitutions welcome; please notify the Chamber in advance if possible. In the event of a weather-related cancellation, reception will still be held. In the event of any other cancellation, vouchers for golf at a future date will be issued.
Thanks to our Sponsors!

Flag Sponsors:
- American Place Casino
- Camosy Construction
- Carpets Plus Outlet
- Chiro One Wellness Centers
- Community State Bank
- First American Bank
- Herzing University
- Kozak Orthodontics
- Lynch Chevrolet
- Platinum Systems
- Pro Clouds Supply
- Rogers Behavioral Health
Hole Sponsors:
- American Place Casino
- Blackhawk Community Credit Union
- Camosy Construction
- Carpets Plus Outlet
- Chiro One Wellness Centers
- Clark Dietz, Inc
- Community State Bank
- Cordeck
- Fathom Realty
- First American Bank
- Herzing University
- Kozak Orthodontics
- Lynch Chevrolet
- Platinum Systems
- Pro Clouds Supply
- Rogers Behavioral Health
- State Bank of the Lakes
- Tri City National Bank