A fantastic time was had by all at KTEC High School last night! We started the evening off with a Ribbon Cutting and rolled right into a Business After 5! Kenosha is fortunate to have such a wonderful and new high school in our area that will help our area for years to come! Thank you KTEC, Dooley & Associates and co-sponsor CMIT Solutions for a wonderful evening!
The idea of KTEC High School came out the need for high-skilled, technical, entry-level workers in Kenosha and across the country. All four career paths chosen are in high demand; therefore, there are more job opportunities available than skilled workers to fill them.
Students in KTEC High School will earn certifications that align with competencies identified by industry. This model prepares students for postsecondary education as well as on students being workforce ready. This is done by empowering students to develop a strong sense of character, understand how to function collectively within society, and be career and future-focused. Therefore, students will be able to prosper at jobs in high-demand, high-skilled positions.
KTEC High School
7400 39th Avenue, Kenosha
(262) 286-0320
Posted on
October 28, 2022